
The Outreach Committee is a group of church members who, in conjunction with the rector, provide opportunities for the St. Matthew’s family to respond to needs that arise locally, throughout the diocese, nationally, and globally.   They also oversee ongoing outreach ministries, discuss new opportunities, and inform the parish of avenues of outreach available to them throughout the year. Parishioners are encouraged to propose outreach opportunities and needs to members of the committee.

How do we help others?

Clothing Drives – mostly held in conjunction with other member congregations of the Horsham Interfaith Coalition. We also assist with emergency needs, such as collecting clothes for Afghan refugees in 2021.

Storm Damage Response – we frequently collect resources to assist those affected by hurricanes, wildfires, and other natural disasters.

Feed the Hungry – This voluntary offering on the third Sunday of the month supports the Grace and Cecil Bean Soup Kitchen in nearby Norristown.

Little Food Pantry – located on the main drive of our campus, this pantry offers 24-hour access for people in need to find non-perishable food and toiletry items.

Lenten Fundraiser – during each Lenten season, St. Matthew’s focuses outreach efforts to support a specific cause.

Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard – based in nearby Ambler, our parishioners have long supported this important food pantry.

Mwamba Scholarships – St. Matthew’s is a primary supporter of scholarship opportunities for an Anglican school in the Diocese of Kitali in Kenya.  We have assisted many students, mostly teen girls, graduate high school and receive an education that would otherwise be unattainable.

Operation Bear Hug – each December, stuffed bears are collected, tagged with a message, and personally delivered to those in local hospitals, nursing homes, and/or shut-ins at Christmas time.

Project Roadmap – St. Matthew’s hosts this monthly meeting supporting those who may need assistance in various ways.  Guest speakers offer help and information on a variety of topics such as healthcare, PECO, Horsham Library, Montgomery County programs, and pharmacy help.

School Supply Drives – during each summer, we collect items needed by students in elementary schools in either Norristown or Philadelphia.

St. James School – St. Matthew’s frequently aids and volunteers with this private middle school, which offers a top-level Episcopal education to youth in an underserved section of Philadelphia.

United Thank Offering – Episcopal parishes have a bi-annual opportunity to contribute to this program which assists worthy projects throughout the national church.