Christmas 2023

Advent and Christmas 2023

See here for our Advent and Christmas schedule.

Christmas Day – Monday, December 25:
10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist with Hymns (In-Person)

Christmas Eve – Sunday, December 24:
3:00 PM – 
Children’s Pageant and Family Service (In-Person and Livestream
5:00 PM – Holy Eucharist with Contemporary Music (In-Person and Livestream)
8:00 PM – Choral Eucharist (In-Person and Livestream)

Advent 4 – Sunday, December 24:
7:45 AM – Rite I Holy Eucharist (In-Person) 
9:00 AM – Rite II Holy Eucharist with Contemporary Music (In-Person and Livestream
10:00 AM – Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall
10:30 AM – Rite II Choral Eucharist (In-Person) 

Thursday, December 21:
6:00 PM – Blue Christmas Service (In-Person) 
This unique service welcomes all, but particularly those for whom the holidays are not a joyous time for a number of reasons, such as the loss of loved ones, health, or employment. Through the readings and prayers, we call on Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, to heal and renew those who suffer pain and loss. 

Advent 3 – Sunday, December 17:
7:45 AM –  Rite I Holy Eucharist (In-Person) 
9:00 AM –  Rite II Holy Eucharist with Contemporary Music (In-Person and Livestream
10:00 AM –  Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall
10:30 AM –  Rite II Choral Eucharist
10:30 AM – Christmas Pageant Rehearsal in the Parish Hall
11:45 AM – Greening of the Church